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PHONE CALLS only right now 304 384 8884.
Examples of a 'SADDLE BACK' - Daisy, Dallas, Mikki, Little, Zoe.  Looking at the dog from the side it looks like the black is where a horse saddle would go. The saddle would usually be called the 'traditional' markings. With 'traditional' coloring referred to as black & tan.

Examples of a 'BLANKET BACK' - Samson, Bear, Sissy. Looking at the dog from the side it looks like the black is where it would be if one threw a black blanket over the dogs back- covers a larger area than the saddle.

Examples of Sables - Sable coloring & sables 2, 3

We can not tell when the pups are just 7 weeks 'who' they will look like when they are older or how large they will be - tho most are relatively close in size which is usually LARGE. I can tell you which will be blankets and which will be saddles. Best for people to pick moms and dads where they like the majority of the dogs in 'past puppies'  pictures. The puppies usually do not look exactly like the moms and dads but sometimes more like one than the other or a combination of both or a combination of the past relatives too.  SEE Color Changes (Bear at the bottom of linked page-3 pics). 

Temperaments can change too-  A more submissive pup can become dominant due to lack of proper leadership, a domiant pup will stay dominant though.

So remember to "Be Your Dogs Pack Leader!" says Ceasar Millan
Most of our dogs pages have pictures of them as youngsters too so you can notice how their color keeps changing, and structure, till they are about 3 years old. My dogs are not full grown until they are 3 1/2 years old. A good example would be looking at Eli, Sissy or Samson's page.
Zoe is Lolas mom.
2 girls.  1 is gold sable, 1 black/tan blanket like Miss Sissy. Sorry had 1 boy in pic which was wrong pup.
Miss Lilly Bug at 3 years old.
Saddles like
Miss Daisy
PICS from Lilly Bug/Littles last litter below.
Rosas mommy Zora & pic 2
Molly/Little. 7 weeks old
Ayer's Long Coat German Shepherds
Old Fashioned Style German Shepherds with Straight Backs
                                           Gentle Giants
    NEW Puppy Pics MOVED to NEW page CLICK HERE
PHONE CALLS only right now 304 384 8884.
Puppies are $950.00 to $1800.00
  Most Litters are $1200-$1500
NOTICE: Starting in 2009

I will probably be switching to just a HOBBY breeder, 2-3 litters a year- breeding mainly for myself - to keep my precious lines going - & so I can get back to having time to really be able to enjoy my family and my pupper dogs, getting back to time to go boating, swimming, camping, etc. with them all.

So if you would like to be the proud pupper momma or daddy of one of my beautiful, gentle puppies, you should try get your deposits in before the end of this year to guarantee you will be able to get one of my puppies.
Kiest Haus lines.
My new boy HERO. 97 lbs at 7 months old & at 1 year 2 months. Blk/Red. From my Summer/Sammy lines on moms side.

Dad is Mo who is from Rasta at Legacy Kennels and great grandpa is Briarwoods Magnum.
Believe it !  You will see it when you come!
ALL of the dogs on this page, in fact all of my dogs are very gentle, some extreamly so!

Yet all let me know when some one arrives. Some are very agile. All are very intelligent, some even more so than the others! Thinking on their own and figuring things out on their own. One quick example - like when I let a mom back in the house from going potty, if I am not right behind her to let her in to her puppies, opening a
door knob with her mouth to get to her puppies! Puppies are raised with all of my gentle dogs around them - boys and girls, with some of the moms even sharing the care of the puppies with another girl, after they are about 4 weeks old! When younger puppies are about a week old and older, some of the moms will even let one of my girls come in the puppy room and lay near by, keeping her company! Which is pretty amazing! Some of the dogs are more independent, liking to play more on their own like with balls etc, some are very interactive with the others, loving to romp or wrestle etc with each other. Some are happy laying at my feet while others want to be in my lap no matter how big they are!  
Examples of a 'SADDLE BACK' - Daisy, Dallas, Mikki, Little, Zoe.  Looking at the dog from the side it looks like the black is where a horse saddle would go. The saddle would usually be called the 'traditional' markings. With 'traditional' coloring referred to as black & tan.

Examples of a 'BLANKET BACK' - Samson, Bear, Sissy. Looking at the dog from the side it looks like the black is where it would be if one threw a black blanket over the dogs back- covers a larger area than the saddle.

Examples of Sables - Sable coloring & sables 2, 3

We can not tell when the pups are just 7 weeks 'who' they will look like when they are older or how large they will be - tho most are relatively close in size which is usually LARGE. I can tell you which will be blankets and which will be saddles. Best for people to pick moms and dads where they like the majority of the dogs in 'past puppies'  pictures. The puppies usually do not look exactly like the moms and dads but sometimes more like one than the other or a combination of both or a combination of the past relatives too.  SEE Color Changes (Bear at the bottom of linked page-3 pics). 

Temperaments can change too-  A more submissive pup can become dominant due to lack of proper leadership, a domiant pup will stay dominant though.

So remember to "Be Your Dogs Pack Leader!" says Ceasar Millan
Most of our dogs pages have pictures of them as youngsters too so you can notice how their color keeps changing, and structure, till they are about 3 years old. My dogs are not full grown until they are 3 1/2 years old. A good example would be looking at Eli, Sissy or Samson's page.
It would be unrealistic to think we can accurately predict or 'guarantee' a certain size and we do not. We have had female puppies that when full grown at 3 1/2 years old have been from 74 pounds to 122 pounds with the majority of Females being 86-115 pounds. Males from 85-140 with the majority being 110-120 pounds. (full grown weights)

I believe it is much healthier  for their joints - for the girls not to be much over 90 pounds, even tho many of the girls would like to go right up to 120.  The boys not to be over 120 pounds, for some that might be a bit high- more like 105-115 would be better for most boys. I had to put a few of my dogs on a slight diet to get them to a more appropriate weight for them.
We have the most generous, and most FAIR I have seen - 2 year hip and health guarentee on ALL our pups over $850.
Note from Pup Owner:
"I looked at a lot of sites before selecting a breeder. 

None of those dogs had the eyes like your dogs. 

I am particularly impressed by all of your dogs.

I have met them all in person and they are all  kind, gentle and so very intelligent animals with wonderful personalities. 

Each one of them is very special.

My husband has always told me that when looking for a dog or a puppy  look at their eyes. The eyes of a dog are the stairway to their soul.  The eyes will tell you the personality of the dog whether they are kind or mean, whether they are gentle or fierce, intelligent or stubborn. I have always followed his advice and I have four of the most wonderful dogs a person could ask for. All have their own personality and all have the personality that their eyes told me about when I found them. Two of them are your dogs. Sue C."  Dakota & Caleb
Some of the many families that have more than 1 puppy from us!

Laura Thacher. - Breeder Genesis Kennels - Echo and Indy-Anna - R.I.
Gregs family owns 3! Josey; Sweetie*, Autumn*-KY
Jackie - Seminole* & Star Heart*, Spencer/Sammy. Freehold, New Jersey NJ
Sue - Mesa and River RI
Karen - Daisy  &  Maggie &  Bear CO
Eileen - Yukon* and Rylee* - NH New Hampshire
Brenda - Nakita* and Vegas* - Massachusetts
Sue - Dakota and Caleb Ohio
Sandy - King and Prince OH
Jeanne - JW & Sara & Baxter FL
Loretta - Jack & Abby  FL
Ann - Jenna & Gino  VA
Caryl - Obie & Stormy  IL.  
Diane - Kallie* and Monty* CAN
Dan & Karen - Sofi* and Bravo* VA
Diane - Kallie* and Monty* CAN
Anita - Zoomer and Turbo WI
Norrine - Cassie and Lexy Indiana
Lynn - Quin & Kai FL
Kim - Ivory and Otis WA
Deb - Cagney & Maverick OH
Kris - Spencer and Emmy NC

Dakota NJ
Gus WI
Kari - Kizer & Gris-sel SC f
Sharyl - 5 pupper dogs! Gunnar, Moxie, Heidi Fostered, Jack* & Teddy* IN 
Donna - Bear Fostered & Zora SC

Kathy - Elsa* and Fostered Glory * PA
Sue - Blossom VA Fostered
Sarah - Rosa & Reba * WV f
Buffy - Maggie TN f
Louise - Titan & Caprina CT f
Melissa - Fancy & Pippi VA

Donna and Bruce - Monty & Mitch NH
Deb - Cloe & Tunder IN
Sandi - Abby Rose* and Frisco* IL
Terri - Tensing & Khumbu  MT
Carolyn - Kodi & Siemper AL
Kathy - Rocky & Adrien FL
Barbara - Stormy* and Thunder* in CT.     
(not my own St&Th, but my pups)
Michelle - Mai Mai & Soki FL
Frank & Cindy - Sissy & Emma PA
Darlene - 3 - Buddy and Sophie & new girl__ MA
Nancy - Wolfpack & new girl OH
Bob - Shatzie & Schutz PA
Anita - Zoomer and Turbo WI
Diane - Emma and Lilly OH
Norrine - Cassie and Lexy Indiana
Dan & Karen - Sofi* and Bravo* VA
Caryl - Obie & Stormy  IL.  
Sandy - Trouper & Molly PA
Alice - Shimeen & Samara
Anna - Gus & Molly IL

Kristie  Cambell (was VA)- Luna and Samson Virginia -  Not paid for Luna yet. Disappeared.  Also Clint Dunlop who took Miss Gina and did not ever pay for her either and disappeared as well. Please let me know if u have any info on their location. Thank u!
Ian - Kizer & Marlee  NY - NPY

Felix - Leo &  wait girl MN
10/08 Not adding to this list any longer as it is getting too long! ;-)

* = 's Same Breedings or litter.
The puppers on this page are still not full grown. Some pics from when they were only about 1 & 2 years old.
Not full grown till 3 1/2 years. They look just about the same now but more filled out with larger heads and more mature looking. Keep having computer problems but am
trying to get their new pics up very soon!
Till then u will have to see them when u get here.  :-)
All my girls are longcoats -  In the pics below these doggies did not have their first full coats yet as they were young.
These girls and boys are from my own my own dogs.
Miss Ocean at 1, sable. 
Miss Laken at 1.
Mister Thunder Too at only 1 year. Now 30 " tall
At Selah longcoat german shepherds now.
Soki/Sammy & Pippi/Job
7 mo.
Tundie at just 1 year old.
Ocean at 2 1/2. Havent got a good side shot yet. She is longer than in the younger side shots of her and bit taller too.
Miss Maya
Miss Maya at almost 3. All 6 puppies ears went up with out any help. Person who I had sold her to did not make sure her ears got up and then later  I was able to get her back, when owner couldnt keep her.     
All above sisters and brothers same litter. Stormy/Bear
Mr. Tundie at 2 1/2. NEW. Other shots are before he got a butt, but now he has a big one! Will get a new side shot to show his great structure!
3 PUPPY litters below
       Miss Moxie and Gunnar       

                         Fancy/Bear          Gretch/Dally
                & I own 3 of the great grandparents as well.
Gunnar as a puppy
<3 years old
Miss Moxie at just 16 months.
Gunnar at just 1 year old. - Gunnar is now 30 " tall!
                                                                  115 lbs. New pics below.
Gunnar and Baby Moxie
Moxie at 2 1/2, nursing puppies
I thought all my boys were pretty gentle but Mr Gunnar has them all beat! He walks around puppies like he is walking thru eggs or a china shop - soo gently!
Beauty Moxie & her 2 different colored eyes!
These 2 sweetie girls are built like tanks! Very broad chests.
1 & 1
11 weeks old.
(2 pics of same puppy)
2 & 2
  sold (3 pics of this girl)
Some pups from Moxie/ Gunnar last litter below and to right.
New pic of Mr. Gus- was braided boy,
at 9 months 95 lbs and 28" already!
Mr. Simba at 5 mo. Was white boy.
Purple-was Rainbow
     Yellow/Caprina at 8 months old.
Looks just like Miss Fancy her grandma!
      She has the beautiful lite eyes!
AMOS At 8 months
Dark & silver
Amos at 10 mo. Good bye hugs. :-(
Miss Lola/Thunder Puppies 
Zoe is Lolas mom.
2 huge sable boys are in   Muncie, Indianna  at my foster moms home now. Gold sable and a silver & black (dark) sable. PICS BELOW. The 1 huge girl is here at my home. AVAILABLE GIRL PUP BELOW.
Lola not full grown yet and blew coat after nursing puppies.
2 Girls Available
2 blk/tan boys.
2 girls.  1 is gold sable, 1 black/tan blanket like Miss Sissy. Sorry had 1 boy in pic which was wrong pup.
2 Available boys
same girl as above
2 HUGE sable boys Muncie IN.  1 gold sable, 1 silver/black sable. Color did not come out in pics- # 1 is very gold very gold. Getting NEWER pics this week.                                                                                                                                                    
1 gold
3 pics of 2nd boy, .....
3     3
Available sable girl
These pics dont actually show how stunning this girl is as it was a peculiar shot as her ears ARE straight up all the time except when I was trying to get this pic! lol!
Her lovely wavy back!
at 3 .5 mo.
The 2    > sable avail-
able boys
Gold >
Dark sable boy.
3 girl PUPPIES AVAILABLE 10 weeks old
  Lilly Bug/Thunder
Lilly Bug at 9 months, and 6 mo.

Miss Lilly Bug at 3 years old.
New pic: Now massive and huge head Thunder 30" tall, 116 lbs.
Sable girl  Available    Boy. sold WV .
Boy- sold NY                      blanket back Girl  Available - 3 pics     
3 girls available
Saddles like
Miss Daisy
Available Black/Tan saddle girl
Available Sable girl
PICS from Lilly Bug/Littles last litter below.
Miss Rosa/Mr Eli pups Large straight backed Standard Coats
Pups are really looking like Mr. Eli did when he was a baby!
Rosas mommy Zora & pic 2
Girls 5 girls - missing 1 pic. Will get soon but u can see they all look very similar.
long coat Boy sold
MJ and Trouble.
More Pics Below
Phone calls only at this time. Thank u!  :-)

This page was last updated on: July 19, 2010

Miss Queenie at almost 4 mo.
Dreama/Queenie. Ocean/Dal
Kona(above) and Kiz have the same structure
Lilly Bug
2 boys LOLA/TH
Rainy day
  Lilly Bug/Little
       All Sold
2 boys & 2 of the girls
blue boy ^
pink girl
orange boy
blue boy ^
Lilly Bug/ Little
orange                       green                       blue
white                      pink
Molly/Little. 7 weeks old
Teal boy. sold ------------------------other 2 boys already spoken for.
Teal boy 8 weeks. sold
Purple girl. sold.
Both pics at 7 weeks.
Blue girl 7 weeks. sold
8 weeks
Red girl 8 weeks. sold
Yellow girl 7 weeks. sold
8 weeks
Miss Molly
Just 3 of the pups here at 3 weeks old.
lil' boy
I am still having trouble with my camera/program. I am sorry I cant get the pics any larger.
Pups at 5  weeks old.
Some 1st litter Mox/Gun pups.
Mr. Maynard
sold. Girl. Just smaller pic. Callie nj  L2
Chaos nj
sold. Molly IL L2
Sold boys from mox gun l2
Next year may breeding a few of these girls but have not deceided who yet. Angel, Lola, Tessa, Queenie, Ocean, Caprina, Lilly Bug. They will prob be bred with Dallas(Daisy/Sammy), Little(Daisy/Toby) or Hero. Have not deceided yet.
Will get new pics of the girls as soon as I get a chance.
sold Lol/Th boy
Shimmer. Storm/Bear
Angel/Little girl will look like her mommy Angel.

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